Friday, August 6, 2010

My ma and ma in law

I've always maintained that there is no one quite like 
my ma.
She's very...unique.
How unique?
Oh, the stories my friends could tell. 
Truth be known, we all give her a lot of grief over her ways but I will give her this - the things she says and does HAVE given us some good laughs. 

Let's just say that her ideas come out of a place that only she has been to. 

Like the time so she suggested that we wear boas and put sparkly stuff on our faces.


For my wedding!!
Granted, that's not quite what she had in mind as far as having sparkly stuff on our faces.

However, in effort to stay on track I'll save the multitudes of stories for another time, but keep watch for them in the future.
(Earlier today she gave me a great story... coming SOON!)

So there we are this afternoon, sitting at the table having a late lunch/early dinner and Papi gets a text message.

This is the english translation of said message:

Is it okay if I get a dog for Fishy Richie?


We haven't seen Papi's mom since we moved back to Mexico because she lives in Mexico city, so the last time we saw her was 2 years ago come September when she went to Canada to visit us and watch Big Bug be born. Literally.

So, a puppy? Really?

Papi starts to text back and I am nattering on about what kind of dog is it, how old etc and then I'm like wait a SECOND!

Why out of four kids would it be for Fishy Richie?

Actually, now that I reflect back it DOES make sense since

T-Dawg has a pet lion cub

Chuleta has his own flock of flamingos


Domestic cat
that lives in an enclosed glass shelter at the ZOO!!

and of COURSE...

Big Bug has his own pet goat which
he CLEARLY adores

Okay, back to the story...

The next text comes. 

That is when IT happened.

The next one read:

Should I get one for each of them?

All I was thinking was 

Ma, is that YOU?!?!?!

It was as if... 

MY Ma was inside of PAPI'S Ma.

I was so confused!
How did we go from ZERO to FOUR pets in 30 seconds?

Oh my word.
It truly felt like something out of the

book zone

As if there wasn't enough insanity around here already with


Papi called her to clear everything up. Especially the why she would be getting them a puppy when we have no idea when we were going to see her part.

Guess what!



After us begging for her to move to PV she is finally coming! TODAY! (Well, she won't arrive till tomorrow)

I am super excited because unlike so many people
I did not get this as a Mother in Law

I got something more like this
I just noticed they look alike! 

She's wonderful.

It IS a bit crazy though because we just had Papi's cousin's family staying here for a few months while this guy

recovered from this


after we JUST started getting the kids used to being back in their own room...

We're gonna have roommates


Just call our place the New Riu.

1 comment:

shelley said...

haha see i was right about the boas looks funky, oh and the glitter and sadly i asked Farrah if she wanted the boa to use for her 18th party lol